Physical Therapy New Jersey

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Dr. Kavita Patel
Physical Therapist

Kavita Patel is a physical therapist with over 30 years of clinical experience. She worked at Kessler Rehabilitation Center in New Jersey for 18 years, leading its nationally recognized Bone Health program for the last 10 years. She is passionate about raising community awareness about osteoporosis and the integral role of physical therapy in optimizing skeletal health and preventing fractures. Kavita became one of two Master Trainers for the BoneFit USA courses, where she instructs clinicians and exercise specialists on safe exercises for individuals with osteoporosis. She developed several professional education courses on Bone Health for the APTANJ, Select Medical National Education Department, and Select Medical ReVital Cancer Rehab Program. She was a guest speaker and presenter for the Interdisciplinary Symposium on Osteoporosis, NJ’s Project Healthy Bones, and American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Kavita has served as Adjunct Faculty for Rutgers University's Doctor of Physical Therapy program and collaborated on the highly successful Rutgers University Osteoporosis Interprofessional Education event for 4 years. She is a BHOF Peer Educator and member of its Ambassador Leadership Council. She is also a member of the APTA’s Bone Health and Health Promotion & Wellness Special Interest Groups.