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Pop-Up Clinics

Updated: Jan 6, 2023

What a fantastic recognition of our PT of the month last week celebrating Dr. June Santiano!

Many of you noticed her association with the gym ATK in Los Angeles. Working with gyms, sports complexes, and select athletic teams is something we strongly encourage our providers with Concierge Orthopedics to seek out. How does this work? It varies with location and skill set but let's take a look this week at a portion of the coaching CO provides on marketing and establishing your own pop-up clinics.

  1. Choose your patient population

  2. Write down your contacts within those groups

  3. Reach out to locations: practice fields, pools, gyms, etc

  4. Determine treatment or service to be delivered

Pop-up Treatment/Service Suggestions

  • Free movement analysis with paid or free exercise prescription

  • 15 minute manual treatments

  • Complimentary stretching

  • Kinesiotaping

  • Cupping

  • Dry needling

Set up for success

  • Talk to owners/coaches

  • Print out treatment consent forms

  • Capture email address

  • Use our CO Venmo QR code to accept quick payment

  • Consider printing out acceptable payment methods "HSA and FSA cards"

  • Ask friends to drop by for treatments to spark interest of others

  • Consider offering discounts to services booked at time of pop-up


  • Consider a free Mailchimp account for email campaigns

  • Send out thank you emails

  • Reach out individually

We've included a few of our favorite ideas we work through in our one-on-one marketing with CO subscribed therapists. Are you interested in learning more? We would love to schedule a call with you today!

If your'e interested in our marketing workbook check out the link below.


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