When it comes to group exercise, options are endless. If you are like most people, choosing the correct class, studio, or gym for your body can be overwhelming. We are here to help! We’ve listed our top five choices for common exercise goals.

Best Low Impact Cardio: Soul Cycle or Ride
Both of these gyms offer state-of-the-art technology to track your ride through resistance, revolutions per minute, and distance. If you are looking for an all-out, low-impact, heart-thumping workout, your local cycle studio has what you need.
Best for Back and Joint Pain: Pilates
In 14 years of physical therapy practice, I’ve never had a patient injured from Pilates. If you suffer from back pain and want to get moving while strengthening your core, Pilates is your jam. Look for Pilates classes in local gyms or boutique studios such as Pure Pilates or Club Pilates.
Best for Mobility: Yoga
Yoga tracks its roots as far back as 1500 BC. One thing is for sure, Yoga stands the test of time. We recommend yoga for joint mobility and muscle flexibility. Yoga also incorporates balance and proprioception (knowing where your body is in space) needed for activities of daily living. Check out Yoga classes at your local YMCA and other community gyms. Plenty of boutique yoga studios offer courses for all levels.
Best Overall Workout: Orange Theory Fitness
If all-out cardio, strength, power, and endurance are your cup of tea, look no further. Orange Theory comes with a hefty price tag but terrific coaching and awesome Prometric measurements to track your progress. Each workout is scalable to your fitness level but still intense.
Best Home Workout: Obe
Wanting to get fit but stay away from germs……and people?! Obe has everything you need. They offer low-impact yoga, barre, and Pilates as well as high-impact interval training and power courses. You can take courses live or playback any you missed. Minimal equipment is required and the price will most definitely be right for everyone.
Can’t Decide?
Check out Class Pass to see if gyms in your area participate. Most studios and gyms offer free classes to get you started without signing on the dotted line.
We hope this helps narrow down your endless choices to meet your fitness goals this year! Like what you read? Send us your comments or questions below!