Our favorite posts highlight providers for the Concierge Orthopedics team. We've designated May to celebrate a mover and shaker in the PT industry. Meet Carrie Rampy with West GA Vestibular. Carrie works to educate Georgia and the country on vestibular issues and treatment. She creates educational content while offering telehealth and in-person visits for Georgia residents. Not in Georgia? No problem. Carrie also offers phone consultations for out of state guidance. If you're head is spinning from all of that great info, you're in the right place. Take a minute to learn more from one of our favorite dizziness experts!
What is your favorite thing about being a PT?
I knew I wanted to be a PT since I was in high school. I have been a PT for 20 years and I still love it. I love being able to spend time with my patients and see them return to doing all the things they love and have missed out on due to their injury or disorder.
Why did you want to go into cash-pay?
I have worked for many years in an outpatient setting and have been limited so much due to insurance. I Iove that cash-pay gives the patient more of a choice in their healthcare.
How has your practice changed since joining CO?
I worked in a busy outpatient clinic for 18 years before joining CO. I still loved physical therapy but I was looking for a change. I was tired of having to see multiple patients at a time. Since joining CO, I now get to spend one on one time with patients and give them the care they need and deserve. I also love that my time and schedule are so much more flexible now. I have so much more time to spend with my family.
How is Telehealth changing the face of healthcare and how is it beneficial to you and your patients?
When we were forced to shut down during the height of COVID, I think many people realized the value of telehealth. I love that it gives patients' another option, especially those patients who have difficulty getting to the clinic. I am a vestibular physical therapist, so my patients definitely benefit from having more options. In the past they may have had to miss out of physical therapy because they were too dizzy to drive to their appointments. Now with the help of companies like CO, these patients can be seen in the comfort of their homes or via telehealth.
How did you find CO?
I started looking for a change in my previous PT outpatient job due to the threat of my company closing and cutting jobs during the shutdown during COVID. I had actually looked at CO through several online job sites for a while before I ever contacted Kelli. The thought of cash-pay honestly scared me at first. I had always worked with insurance in the past so I did not think that cash pay would actually work for me. I kept going back to look at the CO job postings and I finally made contact. It has been a decision that I wished I had made sooner.
What can you tell us about your hiring and onboarding experience?
When I finally reached out to Kelli I felt like I was at home from the very first phone call. It was amazing to feel valued and appreciated for what I do. Onboarding was very organized and very thorough. Any questions I had were answered quickly. I loved that I was joining a community of therapists that would provide support and collaboration.
What are your goals for the next year of your CO practice?
I just started creating online resources this year to help me reach out to more patients with vestibular disorders. I have an online course now that allows me to help people that are not in my local community. My goals are to educate more people with this online course and other online resources. I want to continue growing my practice with my patients I see in person as well. I now have options to see people in person, by telehealth and online. I am so excited to be able to reach people in the way that works best for them.
What is your favorite part about working with CO?
I love the freedom of setting my own schedule and the ability to work one on one with patients to provide them the best care.
What tips and tricks can you share with other PTs to recruit cash-pay patients?
I always thought I was going to retire from the outpatient clinic I had worked at for so many years. It was scary for me to leave the job where I was comfortable. My advice is to be brave and step out of your comfort zone. Ask your patients what they want and be the one to create that experience for them. Many patients are tired of the same old thing. They are looking for something different that gets results. Be the change they are looking for.