"Which type of physical therapy visit" is a question that didn't exist when I went to get my doctorate in physical therapy. There was one choice, and one choice only. A in-person visit within an outpatient visit likely sharing a provider with another patient. Well, "times are a-changin" just as Bob Dylan predicted. Not only do multiple options for care exist, so do various treatment techniques.
So, which one is right for me?
In-person Concierge: a more traditional approach because of the face time and interaction but differs in it is always one on one. Location varies from patient home to provider office.
Group: great option for preventative care. Groups meet at a neutral location, park, gym, fields, and perform exercises together while also having time for question and answer due to specific conditions or concerns
Telehealth: excellent option for time and money conservation. Can be performed on your phone, laptop or tablet. Allows the patient to stay in the safety of their own home while also performing treatment and exercises. Often used for post surgical patients in conjunction with one to two in-person weekly visits.
Concierge Packages: one monthly fee for a set number of visits. Great for preventative and maintenance care often not covered by insurance.
More options allow more access for patients. Concierge Orthopedics' goal is to increase access of care to patients and avenues of care for providers.
My only question......which one is right for you?